Juan Cano Ballesta, "El himno a la máquina: poética del futurismo" de
Literatura y tecnología(Capítulo II).
Alfredo Bosi, "La Parábola de la vanguardia latinoamericana"
Peter Bürger, "The Avant-Gardiste Work of Art", de Theory of the
(Cap III)
Francine Masiello, "Contra la naturaleza: el paisaje de la vanguardia"
(capIV) y "El signo enjuiciado: el yo dividido" (cap V) de Lenguaje e
: las escuelas argentinas de vanguardia.
Walter Mignolo, "Globalization, Civilization Processes and the
Relocation of
Language and Culture"
Beatriz Resende, "Brazilian Modernism: The Canonized Revolution", de
the Kaleidoscope, Edited and Introduced by Vivian Schelling.
Vicky Unruh, "From Early Words to the Vernacular Inflection: Vanguard
of Linguistic Encounter". From Latin American Vanguards.
Hugo Verani, "Las Vanguardias literarias en Hispanoamérica" |