Mapa do Sítio - Triplo II: O blog do TriploV - Jorge Lima Barreto


A tribute to Jorge Lima Barreto
By Eddie Prévost 

Many people will attest to Jorge's contribution to the world of improvised music and in particular his part in developing the music in Portugal. They will, I hope, do justice to his legacy both in musical performance and his critical acumen. For my part, it is Jorge's friendship, generosity, intelligence and humour that will remain uppermost in my memory. He was unfailingly kind to my wife Jean and myself — always the good host — for which I was (and remain) never able to repay him. We have all lost an importance musical presence. I have lost a friend.

Eddie Prévost  — 27th July 2011'

Bibliografia Científica - Botânica - Cibercultura/Ciberarte - Colóquios - Espírito - Ficção - Gnose - Herpetologia - História - Instituto S.Tomás De Aquino (ISTA)
Letras - Links - Naturalismo - Naturarte - Normas - Ornitologia - Poesia - Revista TriploV de Artes, Religiões e Ciências - Surrealismo - Teatro - Venda das Raparigas - Viagens-Lugares - Zoo_Ilógico





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