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The war on Lebanon
By Rania
The war on Lebanon started 11 days ago and there is no cease-fire in sight.

Since July 13, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have devastated the country and reduced much of its civilian and economic infrastructure to rubble, under the demise of destroying Hizballah positions. IDF claims to use precision bombs to spare civilian lives. Those bombs have so far killed 350-plus civilians, and maimed 1,200 more. The attacks have paralyzed the country and created islands of people in despair, cut off from the rest of the country and the world, by precision bombs.

Today, IDF destroyed major television and mobile phone relay stations across the country. The Lebanese Broadcasting Television (LBC), Lebanon's most progressive and successful TV station, sustained three direct hits. LBC has been running some of the most famous TV shows in the country and the Arab world, including the Arab version of Star Academy (I am no fan of reality TV, but the example is pertinent).

To show you a glimpse of the impact on our civilian infrastructure, as I have witnessed it, please consult the attached PDF document. Again, it is just a glimpse.

They say precision-bombing.

Take care!!
Rania with a smile
War on Lebanon:
The systematic destruction of the
Lebanese civilian infrastructure
Photo #4
The Falougha bridge
The Falougha bridge stands 92 meters above the valley, reportedly the highest bridge in the Middle East. Precision bombs hit and punctured the Zahle-Beirut lane on July 15. The Lebanese population was relieved to see that the bridge was still standing and could be salvaged. Then on July 21, IDF launched six rockets on the bridge causing the total destruction of the opposite -- Beirut-Zahle -- lane (sorry, no photos). The bridge was already closed for traffic when it was hit the second time. This photo was taken during a test-walk along the suggested path of the Lebanon Mountain Trail.
A word about its significance. This bridge was the pride of Lebanese road infrastructure. It is situated on the Beirut-Damascus highway and was completed in 1999. The bridge connects Beirut to the Bekaa valley. This is the bridge that tens of thousands of tourists and culture-lovers cross to reach Baalbeck, in the Bekaa, to partake in the annual Baalbeck festival. Baalbeck, also-known-as the City of the Sun, is home to the region’s largest and most famous Roman temples.
Liban Lait – Lebanon’s finest dairy factory
turned into rubble.

Liban Lait is Lebanon’s finest dairy factory located in the Bekaa valley. The top management is almost exclusively AUB graduates (American University of Beirut). The factory was built in 1999 and employs 250 people covering production, processing and distribution. Six precision bombs hit Liban Lait on July 19 and destroyed the most expensive and valuable section of the factory: the processing plant. The dairy cows, located in a barn about 200 meters away, are ok.