Author: Pedro Andrade
Date: 23th March 2004
Dimensions: 40 x 30 cm
Medium/style: Digital painting
Interview Art extracts aesthetic interpretations and perceptions from interviews.
In this digital artwork, the present visualization of concepts is based on an interview done with Paul Virilio, which shows the terms spoken by two co-authors: the interviewer and the interviewed.
The image of the interview content has a form of a ‘text solar system’, placing artistically its more important concepts near the central one, and distributing the others in several ‘orbits’.
The distances from the concepts to the centre and the size of each ball that represent a concept, shows the degree of association of each concept with the central concept ‘war’.
For instance, in the consequent concepts (e.g. those situated at the right of the central term) the word ‘cinema’ is more deeply associated with ‘war’ than the word ‘role’ is.